Super Knight Riders is a local cricket club at Savar on Dhaka in Bangladesh. It is founded on 28 October in 2020. This is the official website of SKR (Team's short name). You can know all the information of SKR and match result.
Super Knight Riders is a local cricket club at Savar on Dhaka in Bangladesh. It is founded on 28 October in 2020. This is the official website of SKR (Team's short name). You can know all the information of SKR and match result.
পরিবর্তন করা হলো এসকেআর এর লোগো । আজকে নতুন লোগোটি তৈরি করা হয়েছে । লোগোটি ডিজাইন করে…
SKR is a local cricket club in Savar, Dhaka, Bangladesh. It's founded in 28th October, 2020.
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